SolarTaxi to drive around the world!
"With the power of the sun around the world - stop global warming! 40.000 km... 40 countries... 14 months..."
These will be the first words you read when you go on the SolarTaxi homepage (german only). A swiss team is determined to go around the world to meet innovators, politicians and other people who are combatting global warming. They will write about their world tour in their website and they are doing this to show that there are solutions to have a sustainable life on earth. They will start on the 3rd of July 2007 and will start in Lucerne, Switzerland with their CO2-free car!
The idea came from the initiator of the project, Louis Palmer, who wanted to be the first to go around the globe in a solar-powered car. He's already taken the car on a 3.000 km test run from Lucerne, Swiss to Barcelona, Spain and back - with practically no problems (except maybe those pesky cell-phone-photographers).SustainaBee says: What an exciting project! Once they start the tour, I will be sure to report on it with updates!
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