Personal Recommendations
The Book of the very popular movie by Al Gore. It has many nice graphics and explanations on the science of climate change and global warming.
The very famous movie/documentary on Global Warming.
Opinion: If you haven't seen it yet, you might be missing out on something. Even if it's only able to talk about the movie at parties :-).
The Book by Jared Diamond. It shows different scenarios of small to medium civilisations that have existed in the past and in some way or another, collapsed. He makes the case that often the environmental situation is a factor (sometimes small, sometimes big) and he shows us that we need to take care of our planet if we don't want to end up like one of the collapsed civilisations.
Opinion: Highly recommended, a lot of interesting case studies.
(web, freely downloadable)
The UN-backed Millennium Ecosystem Assessment holds a lot of information on biodiversity. This is the report on biodiversity as the IPCC report was for climate change.
Opinion: This is very technical, it might be enough to read the "Message from the board". I think the assessments are more for scientific use. The PowerPoint presentation which is available on their web site is highly recommended, a lot of good and explanatory graphics.
A book that was first published in the 70's. It shows different scenarios that humanity can end up with depending on the different actions (or inactions) taken.
Opinion: Very good book, although a bit technical for the not so interested person. But for someone who wants to know more about sustainability, this is a good place to start.
IPCC Report (will be added soon)
Stern Report (will be added soon)
Change the World for a Fiver (will be added soon, available in UK only)
Beyond Oil (will be added soon)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - don't take it all too seriously - read some Douglas Adams :-) (will be added soon)
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