Monday, March 31, 2008

A miracle might be too much to ask - a textile story

Just recently I was going into a regular mass-market clothing store (for the non-regular readers: I live in Germany) because I heard that it had just re-introduced organic clothing. I was very excited to find out what they had done to put in a new organic textile line. I was pleasantly surprised being welcomed by a giant "Bio-Cotton" poster on my way in. It was impossible to ignore all the "Bio-Cotton" signs hanging around in the first 20 metres (that's about 60 feet for the readers across the atlantic :-) ) of me entering the big store. Even the public announcement system was constantly repeating the "Bio-Cotton" ad. I was quite happy to find that the prices weren't that much above the "normal" cotton clothes and I set out to buy at least one. I thought to myself "organic textile is slowly becoming mainstream" - a nice thought.

Flashback: Just a month earlier I had tried to buy organic cotton shirts in the same store. I couldn't find anything. When I asked one of the salespeople, the first response was a blank look for 2 seconds. Then they thought really hard for another 3 seconds and then guided me to this tiny shirt rack and told me "The organic shirt from the last shipment a few months ago should be somewhere in between these shirts. If you can't find anything, then we probably don't have anything." Just to be sure I asked several other salespeople - with similar responses.

Flashforward: Now when I ask about "Bio-Cotton" shirts they're more than happy to help me find the "Bio-Cotton" shirt of my choice :-). I was really happy - this might be the first small step towards pushing other mass retailers to sell organic clothing.

On my way to the cash register I found an organic bag - woohoo, I don't need to use a plastic bag. Though after I paid, something weird happened - the cashier wanted to put my COTTON BAG into a PLASTIC BAG. Oh, well, maybe it was too soon to hope for miracles :-).

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The European Commissioners' blogs!

Hi everyone, I recently discovered that the European Commissioner for Energy (Piebalgs) had just recently launched a blog ( I thought to myself, hm, I wish the European Commissioner for Environment (Dimas) had one. To my great delight, he's had one since October of 2007 :-). (

He probably won't spill any secrets on the blogs, but it does give subjects on european policy a friendlier image and a more personal touch. Well, I've subscribed to both blogs already :-).

To all the cyclists: A really cool ad :-)

Here is a really cool advertisement from the UK. Cyclists will appreciate it!

The original is here

Saturday, March 08, 2008

KarmaKonsum 2008: Big LOHAS Conference in Germany

Hi to the german-speaking readers! A blogger friend of mine (who hosts one of the most popular sustainability blogs KarmaKonsum in Germany) is hosting a big conference on LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)/sustainable consumption/sustainable lifestyles!
It sounds really exciting and many cool organisations will attend it. It will take place on May 30th, 2008 in Frankfurt.

There's even a GreenCamp where you can present your own ideas (limited seating, so register soon).

If you live in Germany or you are in Germany during this time, be sure to check it out!